CNC sheet metal cutting machine

Contact information

CNC Machine and Precision Mechanical Center
Dr. Trần Ngọc Hưng 
Tel: (+84-4) 38351010
Mobile: 0913238900
Fax: (+84-4) 38344975


Sheet metal cutting machine is designed and manufactured by Precision Mechanical and CNC machine Center. The product has been produced commercially on a large scale with vary size and type

Sheet metal cutting machines can cut metal sheet up to 9m x 20m. The cutting tool can function optionally with gas or plasma. The machine is controlled fully automatically


Model CP 2580 CP 3060 CP 31120 CP 36120 CP 46120 CP 56120 CP 60120 CP 66120 CP 70120 CP 90200
Effective Cutting Width (mm) 2500 3000 3100 3600 4600 5600 6000 6600 7000 9000
Effective Cutting Length (mm) 8000 6000 12000 12000 12000 12000 12000 12000 12000 20000
Weight (kg) 3000 3200 3500 4000 4200 4600 4600 4700 5000 8000
Thickness cut with Gas (mm) 150
Thickness cut with Plasma (mm) 50
Cut Speed (mm/phút) 0 – 8000
Movement Speed (mm/phút) 8000
Positioning Accuracy(mm) – 0.5
Repeat Accuracy (mm) – 0.2
Number of cuting tool with Gas/Plasma Vary by options
Height Controller for cutting tool with Gas/Plasma Vary by options
Seal Set Semi / Fully Automatic
Engine AC-DC Servo
Guarantee 12 months
Maintanance 10 years